

  • When using a barbecue grill, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure safe and efficient operation.

    Absolutely, following the manufacturer’s guidelines is crucial when using a barbecue grill to ensure safety and efficient operation. Here are some key reasons why it’s important to do so: 1.Safety: The manufacturer’s guidelines provide essential information about how to use the ...
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  • What size grill should I buy?

    The size of the grill you should buy depends on several factors, including your needs, available space, budget, and the number of people you typically cook for. Here are some guidelines to help you determine the right grill size for you: 1.Cooking Capacity: Consider how many people you will be co...
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  • Why Should I Buy A Ceramic Cooker?

    Buying a ceramic cooker, often referred to as a ceramic grill or Auplex kamado grill, can be a great choice for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the benefits of owning a ceramic cooker: 1.Versatility: Ceramic cookers are incredibly versatile. They can grill, smoke, bake, roast, and even sea...
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  • How can I protect my ceramic items to extend their life?

    Ceramic items can be delicate and prone to chipping or breaking if not handled and cared for properly. To extend the life of your ceramic items and keep them looking their best, consider the following tips: 1.Handle with Care: Be gentle when handling ceramic items, especially those that are fragi...
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  • Do I have to clean the ceramic oven soot after every meal?

    Cleaning ceramic oven soot after every meal may not be necessary, but it depends on several factors including the type of food you’re cooking, the temperature at which you’re cooking, and your personal preferences for cleanliness. Here are some considerations to help you decide how of...
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  • How Do I Lower The Temperature Of My Ceramic Cooker?

    Lowering the temperature on a ceramic cooker, also known as a ceramic cooktop or ceramic glass cooktop, can be done by adjusting the settings on the cooktop itself. Here’s how you can do it: 1.Turn Off the Cooktop: Before making any adjustments, ensure that all the cooking zones are turned ...
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  • What to do if the food is burnt or overcooked when using kamado

    If your food is burnt or overcooked when using a kamado grill, it can be disappointing, but there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening in the future: 1.Monitor Temperature: Kamado grills are excellent at retaining and regulating heat, but it’s crucial to monitor the tempera...
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  • What should I do if food sticks to the grill grid when using kamado?

    What should I do if food sticks to the grill grid when using kamado? If food sticks to the grill grid when using a kamado grill, it can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to prevent this from happening: 1.Preheat the Grill: Make sure your kamado grill is properly preheated ...
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  • How to correctly light the charcoal fire when using kamado?

    Lighting charcoal in a kamado grill can be done using several methods, but the key is to ensure a clean and even burn to achieve the desired cooking temperature. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to correctly light a charcoal fire in a kamado grill: 1.Choose the Right Charcoal: Use good-qu...
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  • What should I do if the food is overcooked when grilling with kamado?

    If your food is consistently overcooked when grilling with a kamado, it can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to prevent this issue and achieve better control over your cooking: 1.Monitor cooking temperature: One of the most common reasons for overcooked food is cooking at ...
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  • What should I do if my kamado burns unevenly

    If your kamado grill is burning unevenly, it can result in uneven cooking and possibly ruin your meal. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and address this issue: 1.Clean the Grill: ●Make sure the grill grates are clean and free from debris, grease, and leftover ash. Dirty grates can obstruct air...
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