
Healthy, light and very tasty recipe.

Whether you like green, as if you are on a diet, as a side dish or as a starter. Delicious.

This recipe, more than a proper recipe, is a set of tricks to keep all the properties and get all the flavor and texture of one of the healthiest dishes you can imagine, which can be part of most diets, either for weight loss or for some reason of health and that, in addition, serves as an accompaniment and as a dish in itself.


Vegetables, salt to taste and water. That easy.


Primary we recommend is to choose a single type of vegetable or similar vegetable types in consistency. Thus, we recommend broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, artichokes, carrots or asparagus, to give some examples. If we choose similar types of vegetables, you can choose different types of beans, understanding as beans the pods of the same. You can choose several types, flat pod (Bina and Dragon’s Mouth) or cylindrical pod (Demeter, Contender and Roquencourt Butter), You can also choose different types of cabbage flower, such as cauliflower (either white or purple), broccoli (also called broccoli) and romanescu. Obviously you can also make different combinations, taking into account that some vegetables are more compact than others and that, therefore, take longer to be cooked. As a result they can be added at different times or cut into smaller pieces. It would be impossible to indicate the times of the possible combinations, and more if we add that some people prefer the harder or softer vegetables.

Once the vegetables are chosen, we heat the Kamado by bringing it to a temperature of about 120ºC. The intention is to subsequently stabilize the temperature at 105ºC, so that the water is boiled, but at the same time there is not excessive heat inside the kamado. While it is hot, we cut the vegetables separating the ones that take longer, in case we are mixing vegetables, and we season them. For example, we will have the potatoes peeled and chopped, the artichokes cut in half and the cauliflower on the one hand, and on the other side the broccoli, the green beans and the carrot.

In order to speed up the process, we boil water in a conventional kitchen and put in the kamado, on a grid at half height, a wide shallow aluminum tray so that it is hot. Once the water is hot we will throw it in the tray that we have inside the hot kamado (so the water does not get cold). Later we place the vegetables on a grid in the upper part of the kamado, as we know the steam rises, and we close the kamado until we get the desired texture of the vegetables.

But, for those who want to season their vegetables, we offer them a sauce that suits them very well: hollandaise sauce. But beware, with this sauce it is no longer a diet recipe. We will not use the kamado for its creation. We will do it in a conventional kitchen.

Hollandaise sauce


  • 3 eggs
  • 150 gr. of butter
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Separate the egg yolks from the eggs. The whites can be used for other recipes (a Mouse, for example) or discarded. We will use the buds only.

We also separate the fat from the water in the butter. To do this we will heat it over low heat (without boiling) until it melts, let it rest, so that some residues, white, form to the bottom. We fill the liquid, so that these residues remain in the colander and we are left with the fat.

Beat the egg yolks lightly and add a pinch of salt and pepper (quantity depending on the taste of each one).

With a blender of bars, or a lot of patience if done by hand, which also complicates the task a lot, assemble the yolks adding little by little the fat that we have separated. Very little by little and being careful not to lower the yolks.

Once we have put all the fat out of the butter, our hollandaise sauce will be ready to serve. It is advisable not to let it cool, so that it is even more pleasant to the palate and not out of tune with the heat of the steamed vegetables.



Post time: May-23-2022